Marxism is such an abused theory in our current society. You have your conservatives that refuse it's possible implementation, and the revolutionary radicals that force it down everyone's throat. I disagree with both avoiding staunch denials and radical validation, and try to establish truth through fact.
Communism is a very plausible platform, provided scarcity becomes extinct. In this current day of depleted resources the existence of communism is impossible. Humanity is the volatile variable that prevents the concept of utopia. Ergo, individuals that cite failed examples of the platform such as North Korea, capitalistically evolving China, or the fallen Soviet Union are siting corrupted examples. Following the Marxist theory, you cannot force communism upon a society, society forces communism upon itself.
Now apply the theory of technological singularity. The possibilities of this theory are endless, but it seems to attack the largest problem ailing humanity... Scarcity. Death, fossil fuel, hunger, and war are all on the proverbial chopping block. Provided we overcome this obstacle, the idea of communism becomes a valid option in regards to our existence.
Weird thoughts, just thought I would share...