Monday, May 2, 2011

The sick feeling I get when people celebrate his death...

Just last night, the American populace caught fire. The news chatter soaked the universe with "Osama Bin Laden Killed!!!"... by elite special operations unit... People took to the streets in celebration, waiving american flags, chanting "U.S.A!!! U.S.A.!!!!"... Facebook was strewn with updates perpetuating the celebration... Everyone was thanking God, joking about how they would handle his remains, stating the day should be a holiday with the suggested food of choice being pork... I, however, don't exactly know what I'm feeling.

What's the cause for celebration? It took 10+ years and thousands of fucking American lives to bring one man to justice... Hardly something I would want to have a BBQ over.  I'd rather have my friends back...

You can't kill one man and expect an ideology to fall, so where the fuck is this sense of closure everyone seems to be propagating? Do you think the young boy without his mommy/daddy is going to wake up with some new found motivation? Or that the widow raising said child will smile and say "Finally, I'm at peace..."? Across the board: FuCk NO!

Still, a mass murderer died today, and he deserved it. Too bad the playing field was leveled with 10+ years of collateral death and damage; domestic and foreign.

I can't wait for the onslaught of bumper stickers to fade into eggshell. I cant wait for the flags in the car windows to shred away to nothingness...

The true story here, the golden pudding of this parade, is the force that swiftly carried out their business. JSOC, CAG, SPookies, whoever you are, and wherever you may be, thank you. I'm truly proud that there are Americans like you out there making swift work of individuals that wish to do us harm. The tried and true silent professionals. I wish the general public celebrated your accomplishments in the same fashion.


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